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It's far beyond coaching.

It's a complete body, mindset, and habit transformation!

Our Body Transformation program provides highly customized plans, personal 1:1 coaching, and daily accountability to help you reach your weight-loss goals and beyond.


Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You’ve been exercising, even with a personal trainer but you can’t seem to shed the extra pounds no matter how hard you try.
  • You feel out of shape and you know what to do but keep making and breaking the promises to yourself. 
  • You fell out of a regular workout schedule and have little motivation to get back on track.
  • You are tired all the time and wake up feeling like you haven’t slept at all.
  • Your doctor warns you that your repeated blood work results are concerning but doesn’t tell you what to do to normalize the indicators except to prescribe more medications. You feel frustrated and helpless.
  • You come home from a long day of highly stressful work and drink two glasses of wine to decompress. You know you are trading short-term pleasure for long-term pain but it seems impossible to get out of the vicious cycle.

If you’re in any of these situations, you are not alone. 

Program length: 12 weeks

Weight lost: 15.35 kg

"After the program, my heart pressure and cholesterol returned to normal. I am more conscious of overall food intake after. My sleep quality is much better."

"The program made a perfect balance between the best outcome I could achieve and the feasibility. Philip gave me more than enough encouragement, very attentive. Everything beats my expectations."

- Michael Yip

Program length: 12 weeks

Weight lost: 6.5 kg

"My fatty liver has gone and my cholesterol level has dropped to a low level."

"Philip was very patient in offering me advice and encouragement whenever I had doubts and uncertainties. I am very impressed by his professional attitude.

Sharon offered a wide variety of food for me to choose from and cooked delicious and nutritious meals during my program.

The program is effective and easy to follow."

- Ken Yuen

Program length: 8 weeks

Weight lost: 6 kg

"It really helps to increase my energy levels and I feel much healthier."

"Philip was very proactive and patient with me. Always check in with me and adjust the program according to my needs, even my diet plans. I really enjoy working with him.

I had no clue how to prepare my meals at the beginning, Sharon prepared 1 week of meals for me which got me a good start."

- Gary Lai

About Us

We are obsessed with health and we thrive on helping people make lifestyle changes that last, one person at a time.

It's important to note that health is holistic and extends into all aspects of the individual from your physical body to your mental health and felt emotions to your deepest spiritual needs. These aspects of health–physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual–are interconnected and influence one another in many ways along the journey to whole-person health.

With that said, we believe that you are the sage of your own life. We help discover the best wellness routines that work for you and empower you to meet your unique health goals.

Philip Chan_Fitness Coach

Philip Chan

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

In the past 25 years of Philip's career, he noticed that many of his clients understand the importance and benefits of exercise, so they didn't lack the willpower to come and train with him regularly. However, some still have health and weight issues that persist.

"Gaining and maintaining muscle mass and dropping body fat doesn't happen with exercising alone, it only happens when you are simultaneously on the right diet, consuming an adequate amount of protein while keeping calorie intake in check."

To put the two pieces together and convey it in a way that’s easy to follow, Philip tested and fine-tuned what he calls “The Body Transformation” online program to help more people look better, feel amazing, and change their lifestyles.

Sharon Chen_Health Coach

Sharon Chen

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Sharon has been helping people eat healthily through meal plan programs and simple recipes with bold flavors around the globe for the past 10 years.

"The best diet for you is a diet that suits YOU and that you can stick to. Losing weight and staying healthy doesn’t mean you have to give up on the joy of eating!"

She helps her clients create meal plans that are 100% unique to them and teaches them and/or their helpers how to prep food that they love, so they can go through The Body Transformation program with ease. 

As a health coach, Sharon also supports her clients to look beyond food and consider other areas of their lives that can impact wellness. She empowers and motivates her clients to become an expert on their health by providing a safe space to explore all aspects of their well-being.


The Body Transformation Program

What sets us apart from all the other training programs

At Mind Body Sage, we embrace bio-individuality, which means that you are unique and where you are in your life is different than others. It applies to everything – from the environment you thrive in, to the relationships that nourish you, to the food you eat (or don’t eat!) So the exercises you do and the diet you eat to meet your specific goals should fit you, your body, and your schedule. Not the other way around.

Training plan icon

Customized Training Plans

Your fitness coach Philip listens and learns your needs and he'll do all the calculations and build a training plan with the right exercises and a diet plan along with macro intake that is tailored to you.

Bio-Individual Coaching

We adopt a holistic approach to get to the root cause of your unhealthy habits and help shift your mindset to make positive changes step by step.

The secret to our coaching is rooted in building personal relationships. Because to us, coaching isn’t just a business. It’s a way of life. And we care about you reaching your goals as much as you do.

100% Unique Meal Plans

Your health coach Sharon starts by working with the foods you like and working around the foods you don’t. She’ll help you build a way of eating based on your ideal macro intake by meeting you where you’re at and designing a plan that’s 100% unique to you.

Daily Accountability

With daily accountability from your fitness and health coaches, you’ll feel more committed and motivated to keep going. Soon, you'll realize that you are capable of achieving far more than you think you are. We will reach your goals, and we’ll do it together.

How It Works

We currently offer two plans – Silver and Gold. With the Silver plan, you’ll work 1:1 with your fitness coach Philip. With the Gold plan, you’ll work with both Philip and Sharon closely for a well-rounded fitness and health coaching experience during the entire process.


Pick a plan and join today.

Once you choose your package and sign up, we’ll send you a questionnaire. We want to know what your goals are, what you are struggling with, and why it’s important for you to make a change now. We want to hear all about you and the challenges you think we’ll run into. Your answers will enable us to come up with a game plan that’s unique to you.


Create your plan.

Philip will set up a time to discuss your plan, answer any questions that you have, and finalize your exercise plan paired with a diet plan that includes suggested macro intake. 

Under the Gold package, Sharon will work closely with you to create a detailed meal plan based on the macro intake down to every single meal with recipes and tips for you (or your helper) to prepare food that you love. If you need extra support, your health coach Sharon can also be your private chef to do it all for you. 

In a nutshell, we will work out a plan tailored to meet you where you are and set you up for success right from the start.


Work with you every step of the way.

With your daily check-in sheet and direct access to Philip and/or Sharon, we’re working with you every day until you hit your goal. 

You’ll get personalized, expert coaching and accountability to help you make consistent progress toward your health goals. We will challenge you to stay on track and give you encouragement to stick with it, and you’ll soon find it’s the highly personal coaching that makes all the difference.


Get results.

The recommendations for living a healthy life are seemingly simple: eat well, engage in regular physical activity, get proper sleep, and practice self-care. But you probably know it’s easier said than done - life can get in the way. 

That’s why we are here to hold you accountable. Whether your goal is to lose weight, improve energy, better manage stress, or more, we foster a positive mindset and support you to enact sustainable behavior changes. So you can achieve your goals faster and more easily.

Get Your Personalized 1:1 Coaching Today!

Transform your body, build healthy habits, and start making lasting lifestyle changes now.


Program length: 10 weeks | Weight lost: 8 kg

"The key to the program is combining exercise with properly managing your food intake. Low on calories, but high on protein. It would be quite an effort to manage that all yourself weighing the proper protein sources and preparing them in the right amounts. It's very convenient to have everything weighed and prepared, so the only thing that's needed is to reheat. And on top of that, it tastes great!"

Thijs Aaten_before and after

"I brought my weight back from 92kg several years ago to 85kg over the last couple of years. It started creeping up a bit again and I wanted to make a change to that trend. So I joined The Body Transformation program.

The main challenge for me is fitting the schedule and diet into my life with a job as the CEO of an Asset Management firm. That requires travel and lots of social obligations in the evening as well. During travel, it's not always easy to control and weigh your food as the program requires. And dinners with set menus are also a challenge. However, the program did teach me a lot about food, calories, fats, and proteins and I am now much better able to make clever choices when dining out.

My overall fitness for sure increased. The additional cardio made me do sports 5 times a week versus the 2 to 3 I would do myself. The extra effort paid off."

- Thijs Aaten

Program length: 7 weeks | Weight lost: 4.2 kg

Lisette Aaten_Before and After

"The program helped me to stick with the food and exercise. It gave me more energy during the day and much better sleep."

"Philip is very dedicated to helping you to achieve your goal. You can always send him a message and he will respond quickly. He will help you choose the right food e.g. when you going on a business trip or a night out. Training wise he listens to your needs and builds up the training program. He tries to check in with you daily about well-being, intake, and exercise.

The food Sharon prepares is tasteful, there is enough choice, and super easy because the portions are made for your needs."

- Lisette Aaten

Plans and Pricing

Silver Plan

With Fitness Coach only.

  • Personalized 1:1 fitness coaching
  • Fitness & diet plans–tailored to YOU
  • Expert consultation for a successful start
  • Daily check-ins and proactive accountability
  • Fast answers to all your fitness questions
  • Highly personalized meal plans tied to your diet plan
  • Training for you or your helpers to prepare your meals. Recipes included.
  • Fast answers to all your nutrition and meal prep questions.
  • Bio-individual 1:1 health coaching (60 minutes)
  • Weekly follow-ups and proactive accountability on your overall health


HKD$9,000 for 3 months

HKD$8,100 for 3 months

Sign me up

Gold Plan

With Fitness Coach & Health Coach.

  • Personalized 1:1 fitness coaching
  • Fitness & diet plans–tailored to YOU
  • Expert consultation for a successful start
  • Daily check-ins and proactive accountability
  • Fast answers to all your fitness questions
  • Highly personalized meal plans tied to your diet plan
  • Training for you or your helpers to prepare your meals. Recipes included.
  • Fast answers to all your nutrition and meal prep questions.
  • Bio-individual 1:1 health coaching (60 minutes)
  • Weekly follow-ups and proactive accountability on your overall health


HKD$15,597 for 3 months

HKD$14,050 for 3 months

Sign me up for 3 month

Our Clients Love Us

Program length: 10 weeks

Weight lost: 11 kg

"The program helped me to shape my body and lose weight quickly while maintaining as much muscle as possible.

Philip is an amazing coach who gave me the confidence to get through the program with faith."

- Jason Wu

Program length: 4 weeks

Weight lost: 4 kg

"The program helped me sustainably meet my weight target.

Both Philip and Sharon were very helpful during the program."

- Vera Zhao

Program length: 20 weeks Weight lost: 10 kg

"Philip is very dedicated to results and forceful about forms and sets, and he checks in about progress.

The meals Sharon prepared were delicious."

- Kevin L

"I joined the program with a desire to see how it could impact weight, metabolism, and all-around health. The program helped me decrease body fat, increase muscle mass, improve my metabolism and my sleep is much better now. Sharon's food is delicious and made the food program implementation very easy. Variety and flavor all excellent."

- Julian S

"The program not only helped me to lose weight but also changed my lifestyle. It helps to keep the optimal weight in the long run."

- Heung Joe Yee 

Philip was very responsive and patient but strict with the program. He is a good coach/mentor!"

- Richard Chun

"My workout program had gotten irregular and with little motivation I began to feel out of shape, so I joined the body transformation program, which was a good release of stress from work. Philip has very good personal attention and knows where my progress is, where my pains are, and how hard to push."

- John Miller


Is there a minimum commitment?

No, not at all. You are free to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel anytime.

Do I have to hire Philip as my trainer to join the program?

Nope. The Body Transformation program is an online program where you connect with your fitness coach Philip remotely, usually via WhatsApp. You do not need to see him in person to do the exercises.

Do I need to join a gym to do the exercises?

No, no gym membership is required. Remember that Philip will make a plan that works for you, so you can do the exercises whenever you want and wherever you want during the program.

I have never exercised before and I am not ready to do it. Can I just join the program for the diet plan?

Yes, absolutely. Our goal is to guide you to build healthy habits and empower you to make lifestyle changes that last. If that means to start with changing your diet, we are here to help!

What’s the difference between the diet plan in the Silver package and the meal plan in the Gold package? 

The diet plan that comes with your fitness plan contains the suggested foods based on the calculated macro intake for each meal. For example, your diet plan may suggest 130g cooked chicken breast, 150g cooked brown rice, and green leafy salad (dressing on the side) or a side of veggies on a training day.

The meal plan in the Gold package takes that information along with your personal preferences and transforms it into something like this:

Smoky BBQ Chicken Buddha Bowl with Massaged Kale and Brown Rice (Creamy Tahini Dressing on the side), or Mushroom Basil Chicken Stir-fry with Brown Rice. 

How do you train my helper to prepare my food for me? 

Before your program starts, Sharon will provide one session of in-person training to your helper (or video training if that's preferred). This initial training is to explain the overall concept, meal prep tactics with the kitchen appliances and gadgets that you currently have, and how to do the prep work to fit your diet plan and your schedule effectively. It's done either in your kitchen or Sharon's kitchen.

After that, Sharon will follow up and provide your personalized meal plans along with recipes to you and your helper weekly. If you need additional support, she is also a private chef who can prepare meats for you. 

Remember that we aim to set you up for success right from the start!

Do I have to sign up for the Gold plan to hire Sharon as my private chef?

No, you don’t. It’s a separate service that Sharon offers exclusively for clients who join the program. Service charge applies.

Can you tell me more about the bio-individual 1:1 health coaching and how are the coaching sessions conducted? 

It’s a client-led and collaborative process between you and your health coach Sharon. She embraces your bio-individuality, AKA your uniqueness which informs the foods and lifestyle practices that will work for you. By learning how to tune in and listen to your body, she provides a safe space for you to explore this and all areas of your life that can impact your health. You will become an expert on what makes you feel amazing as well as what makes you feel depleted.

Every month, one 60-minute coaching session is included in the Gold plan. Sharon can meet you in person or via Zoom, whatever you are comfortable with.

Got More Questions?

We've got answers.


Ready for A Change?

You'll be so proud that you did this.